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BALD CYPRESS, COMMON (Taxodium distichum) K-5

This deciduous tree grows 50-70’ tall with medium-green, feathery foliage that changes to orange yellow in the winter. It is commonly grown in swamps or near water. This tree is well known for its durable, rot-resistant wood. Its attractive, reddish, fibrous bark peels in long, vertical strips. The round or oval cones mature in one year. Native: Southeastern to south central United States.

BARBERRY, JAPANESE (Berberis thunbergii)J-19,L-2

This dense, rounded shrub grows from 3-6’. The yellow flowers are small, 1/3-1/2”, and may be solitary or in clusters, but are not showy as the foliage covers them. They bloom from mid-April to May. Some varieties have sharp 1/2” spines. The bright-green foliage turns to orange and reddish scarlet in the fall. Bright red berries come on in October and persist through the winter giving a showy effect in the winter garden. Native: Japan.
J-19 Berberis thungergii var. atropurpurea This cutivar assumes reddish or purplish shades.

BEECH, EUROPEAN (Fagus sylvatica) D-7,F-1,F-3, G-7

This beautiful beech has oval leaves with fine teeth along the wavy margins. In spring and summer the leaves are a shiny, dark green color above and paler beneath. The leaves turn to russet and bronze colors in the fall. The fruit has a four-sided, prickly overcoat with several brown, three-sided, edible nuts inside. The height varies greatly with cultivars. Native: Europe.
F-1 Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck’ This cultivar has a narrow, columnar form. It can grow to 80’.
F-3, G-7 Fagus sylvatica ‘Roseomarginata’ This tree has narrow, purple leaves with an irregular rose and pinkish-white border. It is sometimes referred to as ‘Tricolor Beech’. It grows to 30’ in height.

BIG TREE (Sequoiadendron giganteum)A-7

The Giant Sequoia is slender and conical with a very straight trunk. The lower branches droop and persist. Sharp-pointed scales are lustrous, deep green or bluish green. The cone is egg shaped, dull yellow green, and woody. The bark is fibrous, cinnamon red, and furrowed between broad, rounded ridges. The sequoias in Sequoia National Park, CA are famous for being the largest trees in the world, reaching 325’ in height with a 30’ trunk diameter. Native: Western slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California.

BIRCH, EUROPEAN WHITE (Betula pendula) A-12

The usually dark-green leaves are diamond shaped and glossy, turning to yellow green in the fall. The white bark is marked with conspicuous, horizontal, corky spots with black-fissured areas below the branch insertions. It is gracefully pyramidal with a pendulous branching habit. It grows 40-50’ high with a central or divided trunk. In northern Europe, it is an important commercial hardwood tree. Native: Eurasia.

BIRCH, RIVER (Betula nigra) B-8

This tree is very fast growing and will reach a height of 40-70’. The young, pinkish bark is very smooth and shiny. As the tree ages, the bark beautifully flakes and curls in cinnamon-brown to black sheets. The leaves are diamond shaped, 1 1/2-3 1/2” long, bright glossy green above and silvery below, and change to yellow in fall. Native: Eastern half of United States.

BIRD CHERRY, EUROPEAN (Prunus padus) M-4

This tree is medium sized and has a rounded form. The foliage is dark green. The flowers are white, fragrant, 1/3-1/2” across. It blooms in April and early May. Native: Europe, northern Asia, to Korea and Japan.

BUCKEYE, OHIO (Aesculus glabra) M-9

The compound leaves are comprised of five saw-toothed, yellow-green leaflets which change to dark green in summer and have a disagreeable odor when bruised. It is one of the first trees to leaf out and also one of the first to loose its leaves in the autumn. Autumn color is often yellow, but can develop a brilliant orange red to reddish brown. It grows 20-40’ high. The poisonous, roundish, brown seeds have a prickly cover similar to the Common Horsechestnut. The bark is corky and ashy gray. Native: Pennsylvania to Nebraska, Kansas, and Alabama.

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